Pierre Le Suisse Miville

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Pierre Miville venait du Canton de Fribourg en Suisse. Une région strictement catholique. Il était probablement calviniste? Est-ce qu'il allait à cause de la religion dans le bastion protestant de LaRochelle? Un autre protestant, Isaac Miville est devenu parrain de son fils Jacques. Ceci pourrait nous porter à croitre que Pierre aurait pu être calviniste.

Concession 16/7/1665, a sept Suisses du canton de Fribourg (Pierre Miville, son fils Francois Miville, son fils Jacques, Francois Rime, Francois Tisseau, Jean Gueuchard et Jean Cahusin, du Canton de Suisse Fribourgeois a la Pocatiere, concession du fief Miville 03/11/1672 sur la riviere Chaudiere, avec l'Ile Fortunee.

Note: PIERRE MIVILLE says Switzerland Pierre Miville is the first pioneer d'origine Suisse to com e with his family to New-France. Pierre Miville was born ENV 1602, in the area of Freiburg, w ith l'ouest of Switzerland. Freiburg is a chief town of canton which Sarine bathes, river whi ch takes its source in the north of Sion (Sitten), in the Alps. About 1631, in Brouage, in l' évêché Holy, in Saintonge, current department of the Charente-Maritime, Pierre marries Charlo tte Maugis, originating in Saint-Germain in Saintonge. Together, they have seven children, al l born in France. L'aîné dies in cin Q years, the six others arrive ENV 1649, to News-France , with their parents. Four of the children have a descent which binds us to the pioneers of M iville. L'aînée of the girls, Marie Miville, is baptized on December 13, 1632, with Our-Lad y of Brouage. It marries on November 22, 1650, in Quebec, l'ancêtre Mathieu Amyot, known as V illeneuve, from which five of the sixteen Amyot-Villeneuve children create bonds in this tt e genealogy. The first, Pierre Amyot, born in 1653, it marries in 1686, Louise Dodier. The se cond, Anne-Marie Amyot, born in 1654, wife l'ancêtre of Huard, Jean, born ENV 1641, originati ng of l'évêché in Chartres. The third, Marie-Francoise Amyot, born in 1660, wife in 1675, l'a ncêtre Charles Gingras. The fourth, Catherine-Ursule Amyot, born in 1664, wife in 1683, Jea n Duquet, known as Desroches. The fifth, Jeanne Amyot, born in 1670, wife in 1691, Paul Tessi er. The second child Miville, Francois, is baptized in Brouage, May 16, 1634. He marries in Q uebec, August 10, 1660, Marie Langlois, born in 1646, girl of the pioneers Noël Langlois an d Francoise Grenier. Langlois arrived to News-France, since 1634, with Robert Giffard. Of th e twelve children of François Miville and Marie Langlois, two girls bind us to Miville. Mari e Miville, was born in 1665, it marries in 1684, Michel Gosselin. The second, Jeanne Miville , were born in 1671, it marries in 1689, Denis Boucher. Third Miville, Suzanne, are also bapt ized in Brouage, January 24, 1640. It marries on April 12, 1655, the carpenter of ship, l'anc être Antoine Paulet, born ENV 1625, in Dieppe, in Normandy. Of their seven children, l'aîné , Antoine Paulet ép ouse Renee Graton and in second weddings, February 13, 1685, Anne Loignon . Finally fourth Miville, Jacques, are also baptized with St-Hilaire d'Hiers, May 2, 1639. I t marries on November 12, 1669, in Quebec, Catherine DeBaillon, born ENV 1645, girl d'Alphons e DeBaillon, rider and lord of Valence and Mascott ery, and of damoiselle Louise de Marles, o f Montfort-l'Amaury, Île of France, she even girl of the lord of Vaugien. Catherine Baillon , a girl of the king arrived to Quebec, in 1669, belonged to an influential and noble family . Research made it possible to go up 29 generations before Catherine, jusqu'à Bernard, king d 'Italie died into 815, itself wire of Pip IE R, also king d'Italie deceased into 795, and who se father was null other than Charles Ier, known as Charlemagne, king of the Francs, husban d of the Hildegarde queen. Charlemagne was crowned emperor d'Occident in Rome by the pope Leo n III, the Christmas Day, of l'an 800. The singer, Celine Dion, Christian Jean and Lucien Bou chard, three famous inhabitant of Quebec which also goes down in hot line from l emperor Char lemagne, king of the Francs of l'an 768 to 814. The Inhabitants of Quebec all are not of th e modest descendants of mediums, like one always sought to make it believe. The couple Cather ine DeBaillon and Jacques Miville is, with their three sons, the stock of the Miville-Deschên e families of l Americ of North. Jean Miville, known as Deschênes, born in 1672, is that whic h weaves us the bond, in this genealogy, with so N marriage celebrated in 1691, with Madelein e Dubé, born on September 17, 1673, girl of l'ancêtre Mathurin Dubé and Marie Campion. Jacque s Miville, known as Deschênes and Catherine DeBaillon die the same day, January 27, 1688, car ried by an epidemic like 1400 people during this only year. L'ancêtre Pierre Miville, known a s LeSuisse dies on October 14, 1669. Its funerary takes place the following day, with l'églis e of Quebec and its body is buried in the parochial cemetery. Charlotte Maugis returns l'âm e on October 11, 1676, buried in the cemetery of l'Église, in the Coast of Lauzon. L'Associat ion of the descendants of Pierre Miville Member of the Relay

né ca 1602 à Suisse
décédé le 14 octobre 1669 à Lauzon, Quebec (âge : 67 ans)
Profession :
Numéro Sosa : 15606
Fils de Isaac Francois Miville   et de Salome Lomene

Conjoints 1 :
Charlotte Maugis ; unis ca 1629

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Note :

Nom de famille: MAUGER ou MAUGIS ou MONGIS
Il y a deux dates de mariage: en 1629 a Fribourg et en 1631 a Brouage, Rochefort, Poitou, France

   née ca 1607 à France
   décédée le 11 octobre 1676 à Lauzon, Quebec (âge : 69 ans)
   Profession :
   Numéro Sosa : 15607
   Fille de Alphonse Maugis   et de Louise Demarle

Enfants avec le conjoint : 6
  ( 12ème génération côté maternel )Marie Miville( 12ème génération côté maternel ) 
née le 13 décembre 1632 à Charente Maritime, France, décédée le 5 septembre 1702  (âge : 69 ans)  à Hopital Hotel-Dieu de Quebec, Qc
  ( 13ème génération côté maternel )Francois Miville( 13ème génération côté maternel ) 
né le 16 mai 1634 à Charente Maritime, France, décédé le 24 novembre 1711  (âge : 77 ans)  à Riviere Ouelle, Qc
  ( 10ème génération côté maternel )Aymee Miville( 10ème génération côté maternel ) 
née le 12 août 1635 à France, décédée le 9 décembre 1713  (âge : 78 ans)  à Ste-Anne de Beaupre, Quebec
  Madeleine Miville 
née le 18 novembre 1636 à Charente Maritime, France, décédée le 16 septembre 1708  (âge : 71 ans)  à Chateau Richer, Quebec
  Jacques Miville 
né le 2 mai 1639 à Charente Maritime, France, décédé le 27 janvier 1688  (âge : 48 ans)  à Riviere Ouelle, Qc
  ( 11ème génération côté paternel )Suzanne Miville( 11ème génération côté paternel ) 
née le 24 janvier 1640 à Charente Maritime, France, décédée le 29 août 1675  (âge : 35 ans)  à Ste-Famille, io, Quebec
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