Guillemette Hebert

Ajouter une contribution pour Guillemette Hebert  Arbres Arbre descendant Choisir cette personne comme de cujus (ou Sosa 1)  Accueil
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ANCETRE... C'est le premier mariage qui est indiqué sur les registres paroisseaux de Notre-Dame de Québec. A sa mort elle laisse plus de 250 descendants

Fille de Louis et Marie Rolet

Héritière des seigneuries de son père; elle vend une partie du fief St-Joseph à Jean Talon le 17-1-1668, donne le fief St-Joseph à Jean-Baptiste Couillard le 16-10-1680 et vend le fief du Sault-au-Matelot à François de Laval le 10-4-1666 (vente contestée par ses enfants


Immigre en 1617 a Quebec

Concede une partie de son terrain a la fabrique de Notre-Dame pour y batir l'Eglise Notre-Dame en 1652 a Quebec.


daughter of Louis Hébert and Marie Rollet, m. Guillaume Colullard 26 Aug . 1621; 6. in Paris or Dieppe c. 1606; d. at Quebec 1684. On Louis Hébert?s death, his daught er Guillemette and her husband Guillaume Couillard inherited half the estate. Guillaume Couil lard became the head of the family, as his wife?s brother Guillaume was still a minor. Up t o 1632, the Hébert house on the brow of the cliff was the only private dwelling in Quebec. Fa rther up along the edge was Chamiplain?s little wooden fort, and directly below it, on the sh ore, was the Habitation with the small Recollet chapel beside it. The only other buildings i n the settlement were the convents of the Recollet and Jesuit orders on the St. Charles River , a mile away beyond dense woods. Guillemette and her mother were frequently alone on their p roperty for Couillard was often on the river and the servant, Henri, whom the Héberts had bro ught from France, was murdered by the savages the same year that Louis Hébert died (1627). Li ke her parents, Mme Couillard was interested in Indian children and was often godmother at th eir baptisms. After the English captured Quebec in 1629, she received into her home Charité a nd Espérance, two of the three Indian girls, protégées of Champlain, whom he had hoped to tak e to France with him. When David Kirke refused permission for the journey, the girls asked t o be sent to Mme Couillard. They must have formed part of a cosmopolitan household, for it co ntained also Olivier Le Jeune, a negro boy from Madagascar brought up the river by the Englis h, sold to Olivier Le Baillif, and given by him to the Couillard family. Guillemette and he r mother arranged for his religious instruction and he was baptized in 1633. By 1648 the Coui llards had other servants and ten children, a lively ? entries in the Journal des Jésuites wo uld suggest even an unruly ? ménage. At the marriage of the third daughter, Élisabeth, in Nov ember 1645, there were two violins in the chapel, a thing never before heard in Canada. The e arly 1660?s, however, brought bereavement to Mme Couillard. Two sons, first Nicolas, aged 20 , then Guillaume, aged 27, and her nephew Joseph Hébert fell victim to the Iroquois, 1661?62 , and in March 1663 her husband died. Being rich in land (the Héberts owned property other th an their original homestead), Mme Couillard jointly with her husband had made various gifts f or charitable and religious purposes: to the church in 1652, and to the Hôtel-Dieu in 1655 an d 1659. As a widow, she sold to Bishop Laval* in 1666 the land for the ?petit séminaire.? He r disposal of this valuable property (the fief of Sault-au-Matelot), on which her father ha d first established himself, met with strong objections from the younger generation. The liti gation begun by these prospective heirs was to continue generation after generation, even int o the 20th century. Saddened no doubt by the dissensions in her family, and somewhat infirm i n body, she withdrew to the convent of the Hôtel-Dieu, where, as a boarder, she spent her las t years. In 1678, when her father?s bones were re-interred, she had herself carried to the Re collet chapel to witness the ceremony. She died October 1684, ?aged 78 years or thereabouts ? and was buried beside her husband in the chapel of the Hôtel-Dieu, At that time her descend ants numbered Over 250. The number at the present day could hardly be estimated.

née ca 1606 à Quebec, Qc
décédée le 20 octobre 1684 à Hopital Hotel-Dieu de Quebec, Qc (âge : 78 ans)
Profession :
Fille de Louis Hebert   et de Marie Rollet

Conjoints 1 :
Guillaume Couillard ; unis le 26 août 1621 à Quebec, Qc

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Sieur Guillaume COUILLARD de L\'ESPINAY

ANCETRE, il fut le permier en avril 1628 à utiliser une charrue.

Arrivé en 1613 comme charpentier et matelot pour la compagnie des Marchands

Anobli en décembre 1654 (lettres de noblesse révoquées, puis reconcédées à ses fils Charles et Louis en 1668

   né le 11 octobre 1588 à St-Malo, France
   décédé le 4 mars 1663 à Hopital Hotel-Dieu de Quebec, Qc (âge : 74 ans)
   Profession :
   Fils de Andre Couillard   et de Jehanne Basset

Enfants avec le conjoint : 4
  Louise Couillard 
née le 30 janvier 1625 à Quebec, Qc, décédée le 22 novembre 1641  (âge : 16 ans)  à Quebec, Qc
  Marguerite Couillard 
née le 10 août 1626 à Quebec, Qc, décédée le 20 avril 1705  (âge : 78 ans)  à Quebec, Qc
  Élisabeth Couillard 
née le 9 février 1631 à Chateau Richer, Quebec, décédée le 6 avril 1704  (âge : 73 ans)  à Chateau Richer, Quebec
  Charles-Thomas Couillard 
né le 10 mai 1647 à Province de Quebec, décédé le 8 mai 1715  (âge : 67 ans)  à St-Etienne de Beaumont, Qc
Ré-organisation des rangs

Frères et soeurs de Guillemette Hebert:
  ( 13ème génération côté maternel )Guillaume Hebert( 13ème génération côté maternel ) 
né ca 1614 à Paris, France, décédé le 23 septembre 1639  (âge : 25 ans)  à Quebec, Qc
  Anne Hebert 
née ca 1600 à Paris, France, décédée ca 1619  (âge : 19 ans)  à Quebec, Qc
Oncles et tantes de Guillemette Hebert
Cousins et cousines de Guillemette Hebert
Ajouter une contribution pour Guillemette Hebert  Arbres Arbre descendant Choisir cette personne comme de cujus (ou Sosa 1)  Accueil